Why I ❤ Paparazzi more and more ..

While the following will sound SUPER CLICHE' 😂 I have no other way to say it.... Its simply the BEST! It's about so much more than the $5 jewelry (Amazing Jewelry if I have to say so myself) I sale... it's about getting to do life with people it's about changing people's lives in ways they never really knew it needed it. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Last night February 29th 2020, was one of those moments in time as I reflect on the night I get emotional even know. Five years ago I was with an Amazing and super internationally known direct sales company I enjoyed everything it taught me..the people it introduced me to and the structure was phenomenal to say the least... BUT, I was miserable most days my team was miserable I felt like a failure but I'm no quitter so I would push to the wee hours go without sleep or food just TRYING.. now don't get me wrong I made money nice money but my life quality was horrible. No balance no real peace. TIRED CONSTANTLY gone from home CONSTANTLY!  I was introduced to this business just over 2yrs ago and I was reluctant but I fell in and fell I  love ( see my previous blog for story)... So fastward to last night it dawn on me AGAIN that last night was the end of the month 😱... why is that important because 5yrs ago I would have been on the phone begging for orders, crying , stressing, telling team members to do more press in harder, being snappy & withdrawn with family 🥺... instead last night I spent the end of the month with my team drinking Margaritas, dancing and singing off key Karaoke songs😂. No one was stressed we were eating, laughing making jokes and we STILL MADE OUR GOAL (YAY). I love Paparazzi because it has shown me that I can work hard AND play just as hard. I can have balance of focus and fun. I have found my forever home in the arms of $5 bling 💎.



 (just a fraction of my amazing Team... I see you Team D.I.V.A)

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