Grabbing all they have even the Spotlight!

The Past 4 years building my Paparazzi business has been life changing to say the least...  I have been frustrated, I have been scared, I have been tired and I have felt disappointed.... But, I continued to show up for my team, my customers and most of all for me! Paparazzi, has caused me to self examine in so many ways.

In my journey I have had to learn how to work with others, how to identify and communicate in peoples love language (wow weee) and most importantly how to win, lose and grow graciously. As a reward for this road to personal growth Paparazzi has awarded me 5 Leadership promotion Ranks(6th loading soon) a yearly Sales Recognition (with this year being the highest & still climbing)as well as Recognition and trophy for Team building🤗. Whatever this business has had to offer I have worked and excitedly accepted...

Now through special nomination it's offering me an opportunity to have an EXCLUSIVE PIECE of jewelry named after to me😱. The very Exclusive ZI COLLECTION SIGNATURE. This is HUGE! To know that you had to be nominated because of what you have been putting into your own personal business  but I need your help 💕 I need to get in front of more eyes & ears... I need lots of points to be one of the winners. 👉🏽How can you help? ✔ Purchase any of my amazing pieces and invite your friends (or enemies they need bling too 🤷🏽‍♀️) to do the same. ✔ Join my Awesome Team.... If you have been going back and forth about.. Now is the time to pull the trigger...Not for you no problem 😊Refer someone you know would be great and love this opportunity (hey you might even get some BLING out the deal. ✔SHARE SHARE SHARE... Did I mention share? It takes one second to tap the button on a video or picture and help. So operation "#IwantaNeshaNecklace " is underway so whenever you see that # tag be sure to tap that share button. Be Great Everybody 📌“Please click this link to see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants: https://bit.ly/2rWXvX0””

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