I believe that GOD gives us signs and even an unction that we are head the right direction or even to reach for MORE we just have to be open to seeing them. Let, me tell you about my first convention and the MIX UP that got me to this moment.
In 2018, I was a fresh consultant that was on fire, I had powered through a few ranks and overly excited for my first convention I was going as a Premiere Director.... Back then we got badges when we arrived and that year the line was HOURS LONGS after standing in line over 5hrs (no exaggeration thank GOD for progress and corporate growth) I got my bag and badge, but it didn't say Premier Director it said PREMIER PRODUCER!! I was stunned for a moment should I give it back? Then I decided PAPARAZZI wanted me to be a premier Producer even if it was just for the week lol.
So I rocked it. I didn't realize the CALL it subconsciously put-on me and the push it gave me. The next year I went back as a Producer and the following a PREMIER PRODUCER ( covid online year ) ... Fast forward this year I returned as a PREMIER PRODUCER a bit beaten, uninterested really had planned to lounge and do-little participation if any really, I can relax and enjoy VEGAS.
God had other plans!
I SHOWED UP to every training EARLY and was fed at each one. The excitement was ignited again, the WHY was reforming.
Now, let me tell you about this picture... This is a banner in the HALL OF FAME where they post awards and ranks of the year. I walked through doing lives for my team and clients like most... Then I stood and looked and the pics and decided to make myself some visual reminders so I'm taking pics of people with ranks and awards I can later crop my face on (HEY I GOTTA SEE IT LOL) then there was the JETSETTER banner! Out of all the awards it was the only one (at least the only we saw) that had a banner with the rank listed and no picture on it. I wonder how many passed this not noticing... (thank you LaTasha Hammonds for having my second set of eyes) I wonder how many saw it and didn't make the connection. It didn't matter It was for me! I stood and took this picture under the words, under the SIGN that this is not over! Paparazzi wants me to be a JETSETTER so let's go.
I share this with you to not only share my rekindled excitement but to say this.... KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN for the signs. If you have been praying for direction, for the next step get in tuned so you can see and hear. This business offers so much and many times different things to different people but its there! If its still even simmering be open to letting the flame being ignited and once it is RUN !!
